Top Most Asked Questions

  1. What makes your barn unique?

    Chapel Bell focuses on developing thoughtful, effective riders while having fun! We incorporate group and individual games to help improve balance, coordination, and teamwork. All ages and riding levels welcome.

  2. What is the difference between just riding lessons and horsemanship lessons?

    Our barn focuses on horsemanship instead of just riding. The difference is we also cover Horse Care, Anatomy, Nutrition, Tack Care, Wound Care, Hoof Care, Maintaining Tack, Tack Selection, and much more.

  3. How are your instructors different?

    Our instructors teach at each student’s level of ability and understanding. Carefully helping to build confidence and skill levels that transcends the saddle and builds up the student for life.

    Our trainers all have a diverse set of abilities, certifications, and knowledge to teach several different disciplines and types of riding.  

  4. Will my horse be with other horses in the pasture?

    Most of the time, your horse will be in the pasture with other horses. We put Mares and Mares and Geldings with Geldings. We can accommodate certain needs and requests depending on space, so ask us and we can let you know.

  5. Do you accept school vouchers?

    Yes, we do accept school vouchers. We are willing to work with most schools to become a school vendor. Call and talk to our staff and we can let you know how many lessons are allowed with each school because some schools allow more lessons than others. Here is a document that might help you select a school or switch schools. 

  6. What is Farm School like?

    It is mostly outdoors – kids will get dirty, be warm, get wet, garden, care for animals, read and have lunch under a tree, etc. Clipboards stead of desks, blankets on the ground instead of classrooms. Reading, writing, and critical thinking.

  7. What does Farm School cover?

    Language arts, science, social studies, art, experiential farm learning.